Thursday, March 30, 2017

150226 Samsonite Red Talk Concert with Lee Min Ho Part 1

Summary of Samsonite Red talk concert video clip

0:30 Greeting. He said "It feels that it's been quite a long time to hold an event in Korea. Nice to meet you." The MC led the fans to cheer and shout his name.

0:50 When Minho tried to sit down, the MC stopped him and mentioned Minho brought a Samsonite Red backpack to the stage and complimented what a desirable attitude he has as a brand endorser. The MC asked Minho to boast the bag.

1:03 Minho said "First of all, the happiest thing that I've got since I became an endorser of Samsonite Red is that everywhere I went I could see the giant billboard of it. I saw it in the Philippines the other day, and I saw it in Hong Kong last week, too. I'm glad that my fans seem to be very pleased with it."

1:31 The MC saw the backpack Minho carried looks full of something and asked Minho what he carried in it. Minho answered that he carried something to give to the fans attending there at the end of the event.

1:48 The MC complimented Minho is the best brand endorser and the best fan-loving star.

2:00 The MC commented that whenever he meets with Minho, Minho always looks so good-looking, not-ever-aging, his shiny skin or something like that and asked what he's thinking about it. And Minho shyly said "I have nothing particular to speak." Some fans shouted Minho is an elf and they laughed together.

2:45 The MC said Minho is loved by not only his looks but also his acting skills. He mentioned Gangnam Blues, said Minho received good responses, and asked Minho how he felt. Minho said "Unlike dramas, movies is the genre that people remember for quite a long time. I think it's meaningful that I started it as a lead. And I'm glad that fans can watch it whenever they want to. I think it will be a meaningful project for me for a very long time."

3:27 The MC asked "All of you guys here watched it, didn't you? How many times did you watch it?" The fans shouted their answers. [I can recognize only a voice shouting 20 times at that.]

3:38 The MC said "This character was the poorest one in your filmography. Didn't you feel awkward to act in the beginning after you took on a role of a chaebol's heir?"

3:47 Minho said "I have been poor myself before, so I didn't feel awkward to act a poor character." and he laughed. "I acted recalling the time when I was poor."

4:00 The MC said that Gangnam Blues will be released in China in March and many Chinese fans have anticipated it, mentioning over the 1 billion search counts of GB. Minho said "I have been to the Philippines lately, and I know GB will be released there on the 4th March, too. I'm happy to see GB is released in many other Asian countries. I hope GB will be watched as much as its search counts in China."

4:43 The MC said many foreign fans are attending there and introduced Minho in English.

4:59 Minho said jokingly "A lot of foreign fans came to Korea with me in the same flight yesterday."

5:15 The MC asked Minho to greet them in English. And the fans shouted together his typical English greeting "Hello Eveyone..." ^^

5:40 The MC said "Before we met Mr Lee Min Ho, the fans here are all young people so..." And Minho laughed and pretended that he's surprised and joked "Excuse me? Did I hear it wrong?" All the fans laughed out loud and some fans jokingly protested.

5:50 The MC said "Let's pretend the fans here are all young people. Only their minds are young. Because there are many young people, we talked about 'youth'. I asked them to choose between the two."

6:00 The MC said "The first question I gave to the fans here was 'which do you prefer between the person with good looks but not so being active in the relationship and the active one in the relationship with not so good looks.' Most of the fans said they don't regard the looks as important but active personality matters."

6:19 The MC asked Minho "What do you think?"

6:20 Minho seemed to be caught off guard. "Excuse me? Did you ask what I think?"

6:24 The MC repeated the question and Minho answered. "Yeah. No wonder. Good looks doesn't last long." At that the fans shouted "It lasts long!" ^^ Minho added "I see being more active more attractive. I like attractive people more."

6:54 The MC refuted "However, you are good looking so you can say that." And the fans agreed.

7:00 The MC "You should consider us not-so-good looking people. Can not-so-good looking people muster up courage as long as we have good personality?" A fan interrupted saying "No~" before Minho answered. Minho said "We like very humorous and witty people. I think that attracts people." The MC said "I see. So the looks is somewhat important but it doesn't have the priority over everything." Minho agreed "Right. For me." The MC said "Good. The fans here and Mr Lee Min Ho seem to agree on it."

7:33 The MC said "I asked another question before you came. Because you came at the moment, we couldn't talk much about it. Now I will ask again. [To the fans] Who will you marry between the one you really love but your parents oppose and the one vice versa." [This was not the question to Minho, so I skipped the rest.]

8:16 The MC concluded "So you[the fans] chose to marry the person you love instead of the person your parents really like. We are seeing the proud young people now." Everybody laughed out loud.

8:27 The MC said "This is the last question. I would like to ask Mr Lee Min Ho because I already talked about it with the fans. If there is a boss who gets angry with you without any reason repeatedly, will you show your displeasure with him/her or put up with it till the end for your social life?"

8:48 Minho said "I will turn it over once." And everybody cheered and laughed. Minho added "If you put up with it repeatedly, he/she will continue to do it. I think you need to revolt once in this case. However, maintaining proper attitude is needed."

9:09 The MC said "In fact, putting up with it till the end can be foolish. You just said 'I will turn it over', but I want to paraphrase it as 'I will state my views.'"

9:19 The MC said "You have accumulated your filmography so far. Then you must have had many moments of conflict. How did you 'turn it over'?" And everybody laughed.

9:31 Minho said "I often turn it over. However, I'm a natural-born good person, so..." And everybody cheered. The MC asked the fans "Do you all agree with him?" The fans shouted "Yes". Minho continued "I listen to the other person first. Respecting his/her views, I state mine. Therefore, I didn't have a big conflict." The MC added "So you don't just insist on your views." Minho agreed "No, I don't."

10:00 The MC said "Did you argue with director Yoo Ha over something this time, too?" Minho answered "Mostly because of the clothes..." Everybody laughed. The MC asked "about the rags?" Minho answered "not about the rags..." Then some fans suggested "about the shirts?"

10:18 Minho continued "About whether I should tuck my shirt in or not, and roll up my sleeves or not. And about whether I change my clothes too often... Well, it was just the coordination of views."

10:33 The MC commented "I think an actor should say his views about his character. Okay. If you have any similar argument with the Samsonite Red company, how will you solve it?"

10:48 Minho said "I think an advertisement is another story." Then, everybody laughed out loud. He continued "Concerning advertisement I think I have to express the given images of the product, so I give them my idea only to the extent that it can suit me more."

11:04 The MC said "Surely, you are a wise brand model. Let's applaud Mr Lee Min Ho. Good. Whenever I meet you as an MC or an interviewer, you always talk in a very witty and attractive way. Thank you." [The MC was Kim Tae-Jin from Guerilla Date.]

11:19 The MC said "Well, so much for my questions. From now on, I will give the fans here the chance to ask him directly. Because of the shortage of time, I will choose only two fans."

11:40 The MC chose the first fan to raise her hand.

12:01 The first fan seemed bewildered. "Do I ask him?" The MC answered "Then, do you want us to ask you?" Everybody laughed. The MC guided her "You can ask Mr Lee Min Ho."

12:10 The fan said "Can I ask whatever I want to? Last time I had the opportunity so I asked you which term of endearment you wanted to hear from me. This time I want to ask you which term of endearment you want to use for me. And to call me that." [Right, she was Merry the lucky girl.]

12:39 Minho said "I remember it. So I chose 'Jagiya' as the term of endearment to want to hear." Then the MC led all the fans to call Minho 'Jagiya~'. And Minho replied 'Aegiya~'[meaning 'Baby']. And the fans acclaimed.

12:54 The MC asked the fan "Are you satisfied?" She answered "Thank you." [she sounded deeply touched.]

12:58 The MC commented "To Mr Lee Min Ho every fan is 'Aegiya'. It's a really cute and lovely term of endearment. Well, in this way, you wasted the one precious chance to ask him of the two." At his comment everybody laughed.

13:10 The MC chose another fan. He described her as 'a youth in an orange coat', and emphasized the word 'a youth'. [i'm sure you will get what he meant by that.] Minho laughed. The MC said "I have a hunch a cool question is coming from her."

13:28 The fan in orange greeted "Hello." Minho replied "Yeah, hello." And pause. Minho and the others laughed. The MC said "You didn't think of the question, but you raised your hand anyway, right?"

13:37 The fan said "I watched the video clip just now, and Minho-ssi said the people in the 20s are the protagonists. However, actually I'm in the early 40s. You know you have fans in their 30s and 40s as many as 20s. I want to ask you to express what you think the people in the 40s are like. And then a lot of fans including me..." The MC added "will be invigorated." The fan continued "Somebody said 'Age is no more than a number'. For me, I just like Minho-ssi so much and I want to cheer and support you. So I've always been doing it. Then if you express what you think about the 40s, I want to manage my life as you said. So I want to listen to you."

14:27 The MC commented "Are you asking a man in his 20s a question like that?" At that everybody laughed. He continued "I see. Mr Lee Min Ho said something wonderful to his fans in the 20s. So she seems to be a bit jealous of it. Though Mr Lee Min Ho has not experienced his 40s yet, if he says what he thinks about the lives of 40s, she is likely to get some energy from it."

14:48 Minho answered "Um, it will take me about eleven years more to experience it. In fact, I don't know. As I haven't experienced it, I can't say what it is like confidently. But as for me, I think I will make efforts to cherish the heart of mine that I had in my teens, no matter how old I get. As we grow older, accordingly we are likely to be obliged to take responsibility for our behavior. However, I think it is a way to be happy as just a human being, regardless our age, that sometimes we forget all those things and behave as our hearts lead like teenagers."

15:45 Everybody cheered and applauded. Minho added "Seeing that she looks happy like that here regardless her age, I am happy with her, too."

16:00 The MC said "Wow. He talks really cool. You can still have the heart of yours that you had in your teens and 20s though you are in the 40s." The fan answered "That's definitely what I'm doing."

16:07 The MC said "You're right. Let's applaud to these two fans."

-End of Part 1-

150226 Samsonite Red Talk Concert with Lee Min Ho Part 2

Summary of Samsonite Red talk concert video clip

0:02 The MC said "From now on, this is the last part of the talk concert today." At the word 'the last part' the fans groaned. A few fans shouted 'No~'. The MC appeased them. "As this is the last part, I will prolong it. We prepared 'Lee Min Ho's Analects on the Youth.'"

0:23 The MC continued "Mr Lee Min Ho poured many golden remarks from his past interviews." Minho cut in "Did I? Did I leave golden sayings?" The MC answered jokingly "You left more golden sayings than Mr Kim Je Dong[a famous MC and gagman]."

0:35 The MC said "This is the time we talk about those remarks again."

0:41 The MC introduced "This is the first one. 'Youth is the period when we are seeking for something by many trials and errors.' He said it from one of his past interviews. I wonder when he got this realization." And the fans laughed. The MC continued "Mr Lee Min Ho must have had some trials and errors in the past, didn't you?"

1:04 Minho said "Sure, I did. First of all, youth is the period when I don't even know what I want to do. And when everything is unstable. Psychological aspect, social position and everything is unstable during that period. However, I think that period is all the more attractive because of it. For example, when we watch a drama series, we find the early parts more interesting, don't we? It's the same as we are more attracted to the parts when many things develop in plotwise. When we grow older and look back the past, I think we will remember the most that period when we went through many trials and errors."

1:45 The MC said "I see. What was your biggest trial and error in your life?"

1:50 Minho answered "When I was 20 years old, many things happened to me. I went through the failure in the relationship with my first love and I had to stay in the hospital for a year." The MC cut in "Ah~ when you were hurt." Minho continued "The first thing that I heard from the doctor was that possibly I would not be able to walk again. The moment when I heard it. Those feelings I had in the hospital for that period. And the conflict between my parents. All those things happened to me at the same time at the age of 20. Therefore, I became an aged young man then." [I literally translated what he said. 'An aged young man' means a person who acts and thinks older than his age.]

2:28 The MC said "From a different point of view, when you look back that period, you can say it gave you strength."

2:32 Minho disagreed with laugh "No, it didn't. Even now I get stress thinking of that time."

2:39 The MC said "I see. Anyway, nobody can help those trials and errors. As we undergo them, we should bring ourselves a realization on our own."

2:46 The MC continued "The second remark from Mr Lee Min Ho himself. 'The only way for me to relieve stress is sleeping.' Oh~ it doesn't seem to suit you. I don't know why, but I have an image that you work day and night and you always get on the plane. Do you have any time to sleep?"

3:03 Minho answered "Yes, I sleep sound nowadays. After finishing the promotional activities for the movie I got some free time."

3:10 The MC asked "How long do you sleep usually?"

3:13 Minho said "Normally I sleep for 8 to 12 hours unless I am waken up."

3:18 The MC commented "Well, you are quite diligent even when you don't have something to do..."

3:21 Minho added "I sleep as much as 16 hours when I sleep a lot." And everybody laughed.

3:25 The MC said "What are your sleeping habits, if any?" Minho paused for a moment and the MC changed his question. "Do you sleep in a curled up position or a sprawling position? Or..."

3:32 Minho said "Ah~ I don't sleep on my back." The MC cut in "You sleep on your side." Minho continued "Sometimes I sleep lying on my stomach."

3:40 The MC said to the fans "Why do your eyes turn sexy like this? Hahaha." Everybody laughed. The MC said to Minho "I see. By the way, do you have any symptoms such as insomnia? I guess that because you always have tiring schedule, you fall asleep right away."

3:47 Minho answered "I don't have insomnia, but I have something like this. When I have a day off during a hectic schedule, I'm likely to have difficulty in sleeping because the day is too precious for me to spend in sleeping."

3:55 The MC asked "That's because you want to have fun during that time?"

3:57 Minho answered "Not because I want to have fun but because I just don't want to let time pass away. Therefore, I try to be awake until I break down from exhaustion."

4:04 The MC laughed "Hahaha. On purpose?" Minho answered "Yes." The MC continued "What do you do until then?"

4:06 Minho said "I watch TV and play games..." Some fans shouted "Games~" at the same time.

4:10 The MC commented "Unexpectedly I think staying home and sleeping match quite well Mr Lee Min Ho. [To the fans] Many people here have trouble sleeping because of him, don't you?" The fans agreed "Yes!" The MC continued "You are seeing him even in your dream at night after you watch his movies or dramas, right?" [To Minho] "What do you recommend to these fans with trouble sleeping so that they can sleep well?"

4:26 Minho answered "Sleeping pills." At that everybody laughed out loud.

4:30 Minho said "I just joked. I don't take sleeping pills. I think energetic physical activities will help. Basking in the sunshine will help too."

4:41 The MC said "Right. You will fall asleep more easily when you get around than stay home. I will show you the third remark from Mr Lee Min Ho now."

4:49 The MC read the third remark. "The looks of my ideal type of woman always changes. Therefore, I don't look at the woman's looks now." The fans jubilated.

4:54 The MC repeated "I don't look at the woman's looks!" The fans continued cheering. The MC commented "Why are you cheering? Hahaha. [To Minho] Whenever asked about the ideal type, you gave them a different answer each time. So you spoke like this meaning you don't care about it any more, didn't you?"

05:10 Minho said "Right. Anyhow my ideal type of woman changes every year..." The fans laughed. The MC cut in "Right. Because you change and your environment changes too." Minho continued "And I seem to not regard the woman's looks as important from some time."

5:25 The MC said "Um, from some time. I see. Then, at this moment, around 6:00 pm on the 26th February 2015, what is your current ideal type of woman? The looks of your ideal type, I mean?" The fans laughed.

5:33 Minho asked back "The looks of my ideal type?" The MC said "Right."

5:35 Minho said "Um... A woman with a charming face. Instead of a sculpted pretty face at the first sight, I prefer something like a blank canvas which can be seen different like this or like that by painting(or drawing)..."

5:54 The MC tried to paraphrase "Someone with various a turkey..." At this word everybody laughed out loud, and they couldn't continue talking.

5:57 The MC corrected "No, no, I mean a fairy pitta...Hahaha..."

6:06 Minho said laughing "That was really funny." [i couldn't make out the next part. All I could catch were "Tae-Jin ssi", "it was funny", and "turkey".]

6:10 The MC joked "I was really surprised myself. I came close to saying that the ideal type of Mr Lee Min Ho is a woman with various appeal like a turkey..." And he laughed again.

6:17 The MC said "I see. Anyway, He doesn't regard the looks as important because his ideal type of the looks always changes. This is the third remark of Mr Lee Min Ho. And he explained about it just now. Let's move on to the fourth one quickly."

[The MC was confused with these two words 'fairy pitta', and 'turkey'. I think only Koreans could understand why it was so funny. 'Fairy pitta' is a bird, you know. The Korean word for it is 'Palsaekjo(八色鳥)', which means literally 'a bird with eight colors'. The word 'Palsaekjo' is also a metaphorical expression for a person with various appeal or various looks. On the other hand, the Korean word for 'turkey' is 'Chilmyeonjo(七面鳥)' which means literally 'a bird with seven faces'. Now do you get it? The MC was confused between 'bird with eight colors' and 'bird with seven faces'.^^]

-to be continued-  
cr :
Translated by Zinnia / Anna Jo
Video by  Hunky Dory


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